Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon
A one-day event where participants conceptualize and create projects that have no value whatsoever. Organized by Sam Lavigne & Amelia Winger-Bearskin.
Poster designed by Ziv Schneider.
Hosted and sponsored by ITP. Also sponsored by Twilio and Wobscale Technologies. Thanks!
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Intellectual Property Policy: The Stupid Hackathon makes no intellectual property claims to the work that Leo Rudberg produces. Anything that Leo Rudberg makes at the Stupid Hackathon is 100% the intellectual property of Leo Rudberg.
Monetizing the glass ceiling Monetizing voter registration Privatizing eyebrows Privatizing criminal justice more Privatizing longing gazes Monetizing natural landscapes Monetizing fear and dread Privatizing reading a book before you go to bed Monetizing the human metabolic process Extracting value from dead bodies Extracting value from barely audible sighs at a dinner party Monetizing Bernie would have won Monetizing teen pregnancy Commodities to End Climate Change The singularity is cuming Design Thinking Teledildonics Potpourri (invent your own)
2017 Projects
Small Talk
Small Talk is a device that allows uers to quickly exit uncomfortable social situations. By Amelia Winger-Bearskin and Sam Lavigne.
Fletcher Bach in no way contributed to this project and was not paid $100 to fabricate it.
@robotpornaddict a machine learning system that watches and attempts to interpret pornography. By Brian Moore.
Intestine AR
Intestine AR: Analog augmented reality experience that makes everything intestinal. By Laura Juo-Hsin Chen.
Infinite Folders
Infinite Folders creates infinite folders on your computer. By Aarón Montoya-Moraga.
VR Doorbell
A doorbell that allows you to get the attention of someone in virtual reality. By Matt Romein, Sam Sadtler>, Yifan Hu and Sean McIntyre.
HTML Marquee De Sade
Experience the work of The Marquis De Sade with the HTML marquee tag. By Seth Kranzler.
Magic Nub
Magic Nub is chrome extension that forces you to use a hypersensitive on-screen nub to mouse around, scroll & click. By Chino Kim.
Hypochondriapp diagnoses you with the worst possible disease for whatever symptoms you may be experiencing. By Emily Xie.
Godotify is a facebook messaging app that keeps users waiting forever. By Anastasis Germanidis and Iain Nash.
Soylent For Women
Soylent For Women is a product idea to target new market share. Pink it, shrink it, and double the price. By Cassie Tarakajian and Ziv Schneider.
Human WIFI Absorber
How many people does it take to absorb a web page? By Melanie Hoff and Dhruv Mehrotra.
saysync is a python script that overdubs videos using the Mac "say" command. By Leon Eckert.
Outcognito Mode
Outcognito Mode is a Chrome extension that publicly tweets every website you visit and everything you type. By Harold Cooper.
Zen Volt
A meditation aid that shocks you when you don't relax. By Maddie Horowitz, Ben Ely, George Bargoud, Sean Macgahan, and Joe Frasier.
Shitty Sharpie Tattoo Gun
Shitty Sharpie Tattoo Gun allows the user to tattoo themselves using an over-sized belt-driven stationary sharpie tattoo gun. By Zac Bensing.
AugmentAd Reality
AugmentAd Reality monetizes your life with a stylish head-mounted ad delivery device. By Aliza Aufrichtig, Vijith Assar, Rich Harris.
2016 Projects
Soylent Dick
Soylent Dick is a dick made out of soylent that ejaculates soylent. By Nicole He, Katherine Pan, and Chino Kim.
NonAd Block
NonAd Block is a chrome extension by Miklos Pataky and Carl Jamilkowski that blocks all web content that isn't an ad. Available pending review in the Chrome Store!
Unfriend the Poors
Unfriend the Poors by JB Rubinovitz is a free service that helps you ferret out and then unfriend your poor friends on Facebook.
British Nanny Netflix
British Nanny Netflix by Chris Allick replaces all the voice acting in Netflix with the voice of a highfalutin British nanny. Install it today.
3Cheese Printer
Hightech 3D cheese prints, by Tyler Erdman, Morgan Steward, David Leach, Brian Wu, Andy Doro and Dano Wall.
YOUrinate, by Dylan Fashbaugh, David Sheinkopf and Melanie Hoff is a wearable PPC (Personal Pee Companion) that lets you know when you have to pee.
Bespoke Predictive Policing
Bespoke Predictive Policing allows you to create your very own predictive crime map by uploading pics or through free-hand drawing. By Brian Clifton and David Tracy.
Tums Cake
A cake made of Tums, competing in the "Disrupting Solid Foods" category. By Nick Bratton and Joe Mango.
Songs for the Trumpocalypse
Computationally generated poetry based on Donald Trump quotes, by Ross Goodwin. MAKE POETRY GREAT AGAIN.
Manual real-world adblocking by Sher Chew, Ethan Chiel, Adam First and Graham Starr.
Dark Registry
Wedding registries for the Darkweb, by David Huerta and Cameron Cundiff.
Dumb It Down
Dumb It Down by Kira Prentice translates regular text input into a version more suitable for the Buzzfeed generation.
Mansplain It To Me
Mansplain It To Me recreates the experience of asking a question and getting the response from a man who talks to you as though you are a less capable human being. By Cassie Tarakajian and Seth Kranzler.
World Wide Body
World Wide Body is a browser extension that shows you content based on your heart rate. Biofeedback browsing for the future by Hellyn Teng, Francis Tseng and Song Hia.
Previous Projects
Holdr by Sam Tarakajian is an iPhone app that tells you if you are currently holding your phone.
iPad On A Face
iPad On A Face by Cheryl Wu is a telepresence robot, except it's a human with an iPad on his or her face.
Kim Kardashian On A Newton
Perhaps a sister project to iPad On A Face, Kim Kardashian On A Newton is photo of Kim Kardashian on an Apple Newton. Apologies for the lack of credits on this one - I can't remember who made it.
Rearview Mirror
Rearview Mirror by Matt Romein and Sam Sadtler is a virtual reality application that shows you what's behind you.
The Emoji Subtitle Creator
The Emoji Subtitle Creator by Ross Goodwin and Seth Kranzler automatically translates normal subtitles into ascii symbols.
How to say Mitt Romney in different languages
How to say Mitt Romney in different languages by Owen Weeks is an interactive tool that teaches the user to say the word "Mitt Romney" in a variety of languages.
Tweet Your Food
Tweet Your Food by Denny George and Matthew Kaney is an important innovation in the sphere of the "quantified self". It's a device that tweets every time you eat a bite of food.
Stupid Font
Stupid Font, by Stupid Hackathon veteran Laura Juo-Hsin Chen is a hand tracing of TEFF Lexicon, the most expensive font in the world.
Drone Delivery with Drone Doulas
Drone Delivery with Drone Doulas by Amelia Winger-Bearksin. The future of babies.
Focus Tools
Focus Tools by Brian Clifton is a Chrome extension that replaces all YouTube videos with this gif:
Intellectual Babes Calendar
Intellectual Babes Calendar by Caitlin Weaver is a calendar of re-touched male intellectuals coming soon for the holiday calendar gifting season. The calendar will feature: Slavoj Žizek, Jorge Luis Borges, Roland Barthes (UNTOUCHED), Jean-Paul Sartre, Plato, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Walt Whitman, AND MANY, MANY MORE.
From the project's creator: "It's hard to care about the Western intellectual tradition when it was created by a bunch of old ugly white dudes. Why would you ever read some decrepit geezer's book? The intellectual babes calendar streamlines and beautifies the men responsible for building the pillars of our culture - maybe not all the way to the point of 8 out of 10 / would fuck, but definitely lifting them out of the 10 below zero / def wouldn't read category."
Here are Italo Calvino (April) and Vladimir Nabokov (February):
E.T. Strapon
by Talya Stein, David Rios & Andrew Cerrito
A strapon that looks like E.T.'s finger - its tip lights up when it touches another strapon.
Sado-Masochistic Macrame Planter
by Pamela Liou
Using photosynthesis to bring your darkest sexual appetites - like kinbaku, the art of Japanese bondage - to light.
Trombone Sheet Music Generator
A practical solution for creating accurate music notation for such a slidey instrument.
(pics & vids for the following projects coming soon!)
- 3D printed masks of your own face
- "Cute Poop": app that makes pictures of your poop look cute
- Cover Letter Generator
- Make-Out Hot Potato: an iPhone app where each participant has to make out with the phone and then pass it to the next participant
- Edible Unmanned Droned: an unmanned drone that you can eat